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Integrating traditional and Cutting-edge technologies Tools:

  I will integrate traditional and cutting-edge technology tools in the classroom to support teaching and learning by using a few different technologies. The different technologies I will be using are Gather, student feedback, using a classroom calendar, reviewing and critiquing webpages, and Video/Multimedia Lessons and Presentations, these forms of technologies will help me or support my teaching.  I would use a "classroom calendar" and “Video/Multimedia Lessons and Presentations” for my personal use in the classroom. The presentations to show videos for my lessons, and “review and critique webpages” to help me use or find legit sources for my lessons if I need to add other authors, and sites if I do not make a lesson, fully on my own. For a better outcome of the lesson, I will use 4 technologies, but two of them will be a benefit to me and the students. Gamified learning, Digital field trips, Creating digital content, and Online Activities for Students Who Finish Work Earl

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